1st mutual insurance

Mutuals in the age of digitalization: Challenges, opportunities and the role of research


The first MIC conference took place in 2018 in Tampere, Finland with the keynote speaker being Shaun Tarbuck, CEO of International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF). It included a panel discussion which reflected on the overall theme ‘Mutuals in the age of digitalization: Challenges, opportunities and the role of research‘. The first MIC was sold-out while the exciting discussions evidently showed that there was a place and need for an event bringing scholars and practitioners together. This led to a decisions to continue organizing the event in 2019 in Zagreb. 



2nd mutual insurance

CEE countries – new market boost?


After successful launching of the first Mutual insurance conference in Tampere, Finland in 2018 we are again on board in Zagreb to bring together academics and practitioners in the field of mutual insurance to discuss development perspectives of mutual insurance companies in CEE countries, their business environment, as well as opportunities and challenges they encounter. We are bringing together international experts who will share their latest experience and research through panel discussions and presentations.



Untitled design (16)


Check out MIC 2019 in the gallery below!

AGENDA - Thursday, September 19th, 2019

8.30 – 10.00


10.00 – 10.30

Opening remarks

10.30 – 12.00

  • Digitalisation – new momentum for mutuals? Faye Lageu (ICMIF, Senior Vice-President)
  • Mutuals and public-private partnerships – Prof. Jari Stenvall, PhD (Tampere University)

12.00 – 12.30

Coffee break

12.30 – 14.00

Jakša Krišto, PhD (Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb), Antti Talonen, PhD (Tampere University)

Panel discussion on the subject

Participants: Wassim El Helou (Allianz), Hrvoje Filipović (EY), Ljiljana Marić (HANFA) and Hrvoje Pauković (HUO)
Moderators: Jakša Krišto, PhD (Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb), Antti Talonen, PhD (Tampere University)

14.00 – 15.00

Lunch break

15.00 – 16.30

  • How to build a mutual insurance company: current business challenges – Paul Koronka (Regis Mutual Management Ltd)

Panel discussion on the subject

Participants: Tanja Broz (EIZ), Paul Koronka (Regis Mutual Management), Marija Mušec (BMS legal), Ingrid Omerzo (Alumni Faculty of Economics and Business – Zagreb) and Antti Talonen (Tampere University)
Jakša Krišto (Faculty of Economics and Business – Zagreb)

16.30  –

Final remarks and closing of the conference & Reception

19.00 –

City tour


Digitalisation – a new momentum for mutual/cooperative insurance?

Mutuals and public-private partnerships

Prospects for mutual insurance companies’ development in CEE countries

How to build a mutual insurance company – current business challenges


Paul Koronka

Jakša Krišto

Faye Lageu

speaker Jari Stenwall

Jari Stenvall

Tanja Broz

Antti Talonen

Ljiljana Marić

Ljiljana Marić

Hrvoje Pauković

Hrvoje Filipović

Ingrid Omerzo

Marija Mušec

Wassim El Helou